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Oodles and oodles of noodles May 1, 2013

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An oldie but goodie!


Glogster sums it all up

Screencast-o-matic tells it all.


Lori Fredenberg

Spring 2013

A glog was created for the presentation at Glogster. In addition, a Screencast-o-matic recording.

The standard I picked for the final project was Alaska Standards for Mathematical Practice (June 2012), “7. Look for and make use of structure”. (Page 107)  Working individually, the plan to meet the standard involved a third  grader demonstrating understanding by creating a product using Kids Doodle (on the ipad).

First, the homeschooled 8 year old student and I made a KWL chart (for both pre and post assessment).  The student made the KWL on the iphone (technical difficulties on ipad). Eventually he made another on ipad, and then made it into a movie by adding other drawings.  He did a great job of learning Kids Doodle and explaining it to me.



Patterns do the same thing again and again What is reasonableness What reasonableness means: it means it is reasonable OR it makes sense
*An example of a number pattern is One Two One TWO ONe Two

*The Number Pattern example was said in sort of a sing song way.  AGW takes piano lessons, might have been making a musical connection to number patterns

Then we sorted through a big tub of Legos and discussed patterns and ways of sorting.  Next, we examined some math multiplication fact families and identified patterns on a multiplication chart.

AGW told me about the website COOL MATH GAMES (his friend told him about it).  We went to the site and he showed me some of his favorite games and said he already beat the Sticky Ninja, a skill game involving figuring out best routes and how to deal with obstacles.

Because he introduced the site to me, we went ahead and used the games and activities at Cool Math Games for multiplication for his level.  He practiced the multiplication facts and finally did a couple of multiplication fact games.  He felt most challenged by the game The Timernator, although we first explored The Number Monster for times tables.

He repeated the timed game a few times to improve his scores.  His mode thus far has been to use pencil and paper and flash cards.  The computer game was not in his comfort zone, and he seemed to count on his fingers a lot which eats up the time.

Finally, we revisited the KWL chart and made a movie summarizing our lesson.

The Legos started us off on a bit of a tangent to the lesson.  Alexander wanted to show me all about the Lego website and the games he could play. He was especially fond of the Pharoh’s Quest because if he could decipher a code a Lego comic was revealed.  Comics are one of AGW’s loves, so he solved all the codes, printed out the comic book, read it again, and took it home.  In actuality, we did math and reading today. He made a screencast-o-matic about the Lego game.

Grade 3 Rubric

Alaska Standards for Mathematical Practice (June 2012)

7. Look for and make use of structure. Page 107

In all grade levels mathematically proficient students will:

  1. discern a pattern or structure
  2. understand complex structures as single objects or as being composed of several objects
  3. check if the answer is reasonable

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Evaluation

Level Recognizes patterns Complex structures Reasonableness
Above Grade Level Goes beyond what was taught by identifying other similar patterns and comparing Able to mathematically deconstruct complex structures and give other examples of similar structures; able to create a rule and pattern to go with it Justifies reasonableness using corresponding math rules and provides other similar examples
Met Standard at Grade Level Looks closely to discern a pattern or structures Basic understanding of composition of complex structures Applies mathematical strategy to check answers for reasonableness
Making progress Recognizes simple pattern or structure Basic understanding of composition of simple structures, lacks ability regarding more complex structures Attempts to check for reasonableness with no help
Need Improvement With help, a partial recognition of simple patterns With help, a partial understanding of complex structures With help, attempts to check for reasonableness
Needs intervention Even with help, no patterns discerned Even with help, no complex structures comprehended Even with help, no attempt to determine reasonableness


  • Alexander just recorded his Screencast once, I recorded the Screencast-o-matic presentation more than once.  Of course, I learned lots each time.
  • Way off task.
  • Tech. difficulties: kids doodle not work on my computer.  Couldn’t get google play to make it work.
  • Learned more from Alexander, I’m sure, than he learned from me.
  • Math, not as good at times tables (mult. Facts) as I thought.  Needs lots more practice for fluency.
  • Taught me about cool math games and all the Lego games available.
  • Not sure if he understand the difference between an app and the internet, but we managed to communicate well enough technologically speaking.  We used the iphone, ipad, and my windows machine during the lesson.
  • We both learned how to turn the sound off on the games because it interfered with video making! We were not even sure we were recording
  • Arrow keys and other key strokes are a recent discovery for Alexander who is accustomed to ipad/iphone touch technology.  He is also familiar with Wii system.  He told me earlier that his friend taught him how to use the keyboard to play games on some computers.
  • It was a big day of learning for us both.
  • In the video, he explained there were 32 gold pieces to acquire and he had earned 8 of them.  When I asked him how many more he need to get, he was a bit perplexed. Paper and pencil or calculator or times tables (?).  He was able to explain how to use a calculator.
  • After setting him up in Screencast-o-matic, he just started in talking and explaining the game and decoding process. Because he spoke a bit quietly in places, his explanations may not be very audible.


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